Founder’s Story

12 years ago, Plant Iberia was borne from a recession that inspired Iain Coleman, our Managing Director, to start his own ornamental plant importing business.

Having lived in Spain and Portugal, he had fallen in love with the country, it’s colourful characters, the divine food, geography, climate and of course, the wine. An acute eye for detail, he spied a gap in the horticulture market for a business that provides remarkable products and champions the Iberian Peninsula. He noticed that most importers operate out of either Italy or Holland, and after witnessing the landscape and opportunity Spain and Portugal had to offer, he knew he just had to supply from there.

Growing his business, he poured as much love and nurture into Plant Iberia as our beautiful plants along the Peninsula receive. Starting with Iain lovingly growing plants in his bedroom as a child, and now a bustling team of professionals, Plant Iberia has never strayed from the values it holds closest to its heart – supplying wholesalers with ethically sourced, healthy, stunning ornamental plants, trees and shrubs.

Following the passion young Iain had, he followed a path working for corporate employers. It was soon clear to him, however, that working under someone who’s driving force was more the money to be made rather than the plants and growers themselves just wouldn’t work.

By this point, the Iberian Peninsula had now become home. Creating rapport with the locals, he harvested a wealth of knowledge about the wonderfully diverse range of ornamental plants it offered, that was only matched by the glowing respect the independent growers had for him and his ethical approach.

On this strong foundation, Plant Iberia was formed – and now, we’re sharing everything we’ve built for over a decade with customers all across Europe. We even boast a highly flexible order and delivery service, allowing you to order by the pallet or the truck, large wholesale orders or single deliveries with a huge variety of plants from different climates all across the Peninsula, a service no other business in the sector offers.